Wiki Peds Circumcision in office


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Hi -

I work for Urology, with one Pediatric Urologist in the group. He has a question regarding doing circs in the office - if the patient is scheduled for a circ but then the parents have other questions NOT related to the circumcision, can he bill the office visit with the circ? Since it's only a 10-day global, modifier 57 wouldn't work, and I'm told in the past the modifier 25 didn't fly. (When I did peds, if they did a circ in the office, it was only the circ and nothing else.) says as long as the visit is completely unrelated to the circ, they can bill it. I just want to make sure it gets done correctly.

What's everyone's experience been with these?
I work in a Pediatric private practice. We bill the both a 2 week check and a circumcision at same visit using a 25 mod on the 2 week check. We have never been denied payment for either service.
No, the first dx would be for the preventive exam and the second would be for the circumcision. As long as the diagnosis for the office visit is unrelated to the circumcision, you should be able to bill both with a modifier 25 on the office visit.