Wiki Percutaneous Bladder Bx?


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What surgical CPT code is used for a CT guided percutaneous bladder wall biopsy? I read that 49180 could be an option but we aren't sure there is a "mass." "PET scan revealed thickening of the bladder wall antral laterally concerning for residual malignancy and moderate hydronephrosis without evidence of metastatic disease" is all I have to go by since the procedure has not yet been done. Any thoughts? Thank you!
There is no specific CPT code for your clinical procedure. I would suggest the unlisted code 53899 and bench mark to 49180-22 for the service you provided.
Thank you for your help as always. That was my first thought. Though, then I was thinking the bench mark could be to 50200? Since 49180 specifies "mass" and is not from the Urology section of the CPT book?
50200 is for a renal, kidney, biopsy. Remember a physician can use any CPT code in the manual meaning the urologist is not restricted to just the urology section.