Wiki Peribronchial disease

My supervisor said we should be coding this as 519.19 - telling us the dictation has to state fibrosis. I dont agree. What do you think?

I have looked and I think you would be safer going with what your supervisor recommends. The reason I say this is because 515 states 'fibrosis' and the patient may not have developed fibroids yet.
Pulmonary fibrosis is the formation or development of excess fibrous connective tissue (fibrosis) in the lungs. It is also described as scarring of the lung
PERI bronchial is AROUND the bronchial. I would agree 515 is more accurate.
519.19 is kind of pin pointed to the Bronchus/trachea. And yes Fibrosis is not fibroids rather scarring tissue.

I'm confused....for a patient with scarring of the lungs found in CxR, which one is more appropiate J84.10 or J98.4?
I would appreciate your reply.