Wiki Personal Website - Advertise Yourself?


College Station, TX
Best answers
I am about to take my test, upon passing I have a contact who will create a website for me to help advertise my 20+ years of Billing\Collection\Coding experience.

I have searched all over Google trying to find examples of other peoples website and cannot find anything! Sure, things are seen on Indeed\Upwork and LinkedIn, but nothing that is a personal website advertising yourself and everything you could bring to a company.

Does anyone have one they do not mind sharing with me so I can help provide adequate ideas to my contact?

Thank you,
Mellissa D
I have never heard of anyone creating a website advertising themselves if they weren't a business. That is what LinkedIn is for or business cards. Makes sense why you aren't finding anyone who has that type of website because we have LinkedIn, Indeed, business cards, AAPC, networking. Even Facebook has it where you can create a business page.
As mentioned by Codergirl93, its not something that is done for this line of work unless you are a business. These types of websites are geared towards someone who needs to display a portfolio such as a graphic artist, photographer or a web designer/programmer.
Interesting, here I thought I was suddenly lacking in my Google searching skills. I have done various jobs through Indeed on a consulting basis, though wanted a strong platform to display my talents. I dislike how limiting \ structured it feels when portraying yourself on these various websites :)

I certainly appreciate the feedback, it is most welcome.
