Wiki Pessary Cleaning Visit MDM?


Clearwater, FL
Best answers
My providers are stating that in the past they would bill these visits as a level 4 because they are doing a pelvic and UA on them every time, removing the pessary cleaning it and replacing it. How would you level these visits with the new rules?
I would say the best option would be to document time and level based on that but if using MDM, where would this fall for an established patient?
we bill these as a 99212 or 99213, depending on documentation.
a pelvic exam and and a ua (which I am guessing is billed in the office?) would not reach a moderate level of service (in my opinion).

** EDITED to add - I don't think a pessary cleaning would meet the medical necessity of a Moderate level of service.

here is an older article from Codapedia (not my favorite source):
"If a patient returns for the cleaning and re-insertion of a pessary, bill with an office visit code. The patient is typically established, so use a code in the 99212-99215 series of codes. If the patient has no problems or complaints, these visits will often audit as a 99212."
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Thank you so much! I agree completely-- this is the answer I gave them. It definitely varies case to case but without any other complaints/issues I think a level 3 (at most) would be appropriate.