Wiki Pfa-85576

Edwardsville, KS
Best answers
Would someone please help me with this one?

Normal platelet adhesion screen. Von Willebrand disease is very unlikely. This test is insensitive to platelet aggregation disorders, therefore platelet aggregation studies are recommended for further evaluation if clinically indicated.

What icd9 do I need to use???

Thanks to all!
Thank you whaleheadking for replying to my post!

Normal platelet adhesion screen. Von Willerbrand disease (type 1,2A,2B,2M,3)
is very unlikely. This test is insensitive to platelet aggregation disorders, therefore platelet aggregation studies are recommended for further evaluation if clinically indicated - is all that is dictated in our report.

Now, reffering MD used 333.1- tremor nec.

Do I need to tell our doctors that the reffering md dx needs to be dictated in the report, or ... I am really confused here...

Thank you again!