Wiki PhD see pt after MD visit, same pt, same visit


Rohnert Park, CA
Best answers
How could I bill for this visit if a pt comes in to see the MD in the medical dept for chronic pain for 10 minutes and our PhD who specializes in chronic pain treatment comes down from the BH dept and sees the pt in the medical dept for 40 more minutes? Do we only get to bill for the original 10 minutes that the MD saw the pt or for the 50 minutes totally provided? Is it appropriate to bill it under the MD's NPI#? :confused:
Was there a separate note dictated? or separate dx? or was the PHD asked to visit/exam the pt. If the answers are no then I would bill the primary physicians visit, unless there was a separate dx you couldn't justify using mod 25 for any other services that may have been performed on the same date of service. Hope this helps.

So long as they each documented their service, I would bill both. They are 2 different specialties. Doesn't matter if dx is same or not.
The visits haven't happened yet, so it's a question as to how we can bill for these types of visits. One of the questions that came up was: Do we base the E/M code on the total length of the visit and bill under the MD since the pt is in the Medical Dept? Does this change if the PhD's note is on the same chart as the MD's note? Do we code the E/M based on the MD and the psychotherpy based on the PhD and have 2 separate notes and 2 separate superbills?

Thanks for your replies!
That doesn't answer my question :( Does that mean that we CAN'T bill it under the MD as one visit with all the MD's and PhD's notes in the same chart for the same visit with the same diagnosis for the same date of service?