Wiki pinning metacarpophalangeal joint


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i have a patient that presented with stiffness and contracture

the procedure done was manipulation and pinning on the index finger through the small finger.

i am not sure of the cpt code.i thought 26706 but the patient does not have a dislocation, also looked at 20650 but there was no skelatal traction .

if anyone has any insight it would be greatly appreciated

thank you
i passed the pins through the dorsal aspect of the metacarpal head and passed them up through into the proximal phalanx shaft and checked this on all the radigraphs to make sure that i was in the canal on the proximal phalanges. i achieved 90 degrees of flexion and then put the pins in.i manipulated the pip joints and the pins were then bent and cut.gauntlet cast was applied and the pin caps put into place

thank you for your help