Spokane, WA
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I am a somewhat new biller and got my experience solely from the office I currently work at and through AAPC billing course. I work for an Outpatient Drug and Alcohol treatment center, we also provide co-curring mental health/substance use services. The POS, Place of Service is always a hot topic as my understanding of POS's seems to differ from theirs. "Theirs" meaning the counselors and other admin support staff.

If a Substance Use Disorder Professional leaves their normal POS 57 office and goes to an Inpatient State Hospital to provide a Drug/Alcohol assessment, should they use the 21 inpatient hospital POS or should they use 99-Other Place of Service POS? Are we both wrong? I believe they should only be using:
1) POS 57 - our outpatient office for in-person visits or phone calls made from here
2) POS 02 for telehealth
3) POS 12 for phone calls that were meant to be telehealth but were audio only, no visual.
4) POS 99 - for everything else.

We are not a pharmacy and do not provide pharmacy services so even if we met our client at the pharmacy to do some sort of case management, or provide the 1x1 there (H0004 or 90837) then the POS would still never be the Pharmacy POS 01, they would use POS 99... right?

Thanks in advance for helping me clear this up!
Are you certified as a facility? Or are you a doctors office? If you're not certified as a facility, your POS should not be 57; it should be 11.

If services are provided at a regular hospital to an inpatient client, the POS is 21.

If services are provided at a psychiatric hospital to an inpatient client, the POS is 51.

POS 12 is "home". Unless you are going to their home, you would not use that POS.

Always use the most specific pos. POS 99 would rarely be used. If you're providing services in a pharmacy, I would use the pharmacy POS.