Wiki Placement of ECMO Lines?


Punta Gorda, FL
Best answers
This one is totally new to me. It looks like our cardiologist was asked to help another doctor to place an ECMO device. Can we bill for this? 33952?


PROCEDURE PERFORMED: Access and placement of ECMO device.

1. Our Cardiologist
2. Perfusionist and Dr. X

INDICATIONS FOR PROCEDURE: This is a patient with profound
hypoxemia and hypotension, unable to oxygenate well despite maximum vent
settings and also on and pressors with very poor cardiac function.
It has been determined that his greatest chance for survival is with ECMO.
I was asked to help with Dr. X to place the device.

DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: Informed consent had been obtained from the
patient's family as he was already intubated. He was brought to the cath
lab in an emergent fashion. Following being sterilely prepped and draped
in usual fashion. Access was obtained and the right femoral vein and
artery via modified Seldinger technique. Over the use of a serial upsized
dilators, the arterial and venous ECMO lines were placed under
fluoroscopic guidance. They were attached to the device and set the
settings as directed by Dr. X and the perfusionist.

OVERALL IMPRESSION: Successful placement of ECMO lines.

1. Continue ECMO therapy under the direction of Dr. X
2. We will plan for hopefully early transfer this patient out to a
tertiary medical center for continued care.