Wiki Plantar fascitis release

Dx- Plantar fasciitis of foot
Operation : Relase of plantar fascia of foot

Under general anesthia, the foot was prepped and drapped in a sterile fashion. Exsangunation was carried out with an Esmarch, Esmarch was used with the tourniquet around the ankle. An incision was made at the plantar aspect of the foot, Incision was carried down to the plantar fascia. This was identified medially and laterally with it extension medial and laterally near its insertion into the calcaneous. Sharp incision was made in the plantar fascia near its insetion into the calcaneus. The wound was irrigated with saline and closed with 3-0 nylon. A PRESSURE DRESSING after injecting local anesthesia into the foot .
Dx- Plantar fasciitis of foot
Operation : Relase of plantar fascia of foot

Under general anesthia, the foot was prepped and drapped in a sterile fashion. Exsangunation was carried out with an Esmarch, Esmarch was used with the tourniquet around the ankle. An incision was made at the plantar aspect of the foot, Incision was carried down to the plantar fascia. This was identified medially and laterally with it extension medial and laterally near its insertion into the calcaneous. Sharp incision was made in the plantar fascia near its insetion into the calcaneus. The wound was irrigated with saline and closed with 3-0 nylon. A PRESSURE DRESSING after injecting local anesthesia into the foot .

this sounds like 28060 to me
Plantar fascitis


I think the code is 28008 - as the dr has only incised the fascia and not excised(fasciectomy) it.

Dr. Poonam