Wiki Please help


True Blue
Maricopa, Arizona
Best answers
Good morning, I've never coded a dilation through the gastrostomy. Please help? For some reason, I can't post the procedure from my SnipIt.

Patient has pyloric stricture. Surgeon took patient to or suite, removed GTube, enlarged the tract, inserted endoscope, passed through stomach to pyloric stricture and dilated the stricture. I see ileoscopy and colonoscopy through stoma but not what I need. Help, please?
44384 from definitions below I would go ileoscopy:)
The definition of ileostomy
An ileostomy is an opening in the belly (abdominal wall) that's made during surgery. It's usually needed because a problem is causing the ileum to not work properly, or a disease is affecting that part of the colon and it needs to be removed

  1. an opening into the stomach from the abdominal wall, made surgically for the introduction of food.
    • a surgical operation for making an opening in the stomach.