Wiki Plication Repair of Rt Ventricular Disruption


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Hello: The surgeon did a CABG but he also did a plication repair of the Rt Ventricular Disruption and I am not really sure if this can be billed separately:confused:

ie: The epicardium over the LAD was incised. As mentioned this was primarily intramuscular at the portion that is was open, it was within the ventricle and upon incising this vessel the ventricle disrupted. The ventricle was extremely thin much more so that what had ever been anticipated.

Therefore, utilizing a double pledgeted #2 ethibond sutures, plication repair of the very small disruption was created.

I am not confident if 35211 is appropriate or the right code.??

Any suggestions would be appreciated :p

Thank you!
Hi Deb,

I wouldn't bill 35211 because that is for repair of a blood vessel in the chest, not the right ventricle.

I thought of 33548 but that is more work and its really to reduce the size of the left ventricle.

I also believe 33300 would be inappropriate because this is supposed to be used for repair of penetrating trauma to the heart.

I think you should probably add the -22 modifier to your cabg codes.

Hope that helps,
Lisi, CPC