Wiki Post-op bleeding from popliteal wound


San Diego, CA
Best answers
For this, would you use code 35741 or 35860? It was a re-exploration of a popliteal wound and medial and lateral fasciotomies. Pt is s/p gunshot wound and was having some popliteal artery bleeding s/p sx. Provider also did a muscle flap rotation( which may be included, and a ligation of septate muscle bleeder, right calf)

Thanks so much for any input!

Kristin Felty CPC, CCC
I would use 35860 IF he repaired it; the 35741 does not include any surgical repair. So if he just did exploration with or without the lysis, then I would use 35741.

Did the patient leave the O.R.? As I understand it, if the patient has not left the O.R. you CAN'T bill for it but if the patient left - then you can.