Wiki post op office visit


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We have a patient that is under a global period for surgery. He will be going back to surgery for a related procedure. My provider wants to charge the office visit for the H&P. Is it possible to capture an office visit during a global period for scheduling a surgery that is related to the original procedure?

Thank you
Need more information to help you. If this is just "related" and your doc knew that this would need to be done, then I don't think an E/M is appropriate. However, if there has been a complication, or if it's a fx that has moved or something like that, then you could bill it with a -24 & 57 modifier since it's new. If he doc did not know the surgery would be needed, and especially if this is a complication of the previous procedure, I would bill out an E/M since he disserves the E/M for MDM.