Wiki Postpartum ultrasound for possible retained products of conception

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If the patient is 3 months postpartum, but retained products of conception are suspected, should nonobstetric codes (76830, 76856) be billed or obstetric codes (76817, etc.). Thanks.
If the patient is 3 months postpartum, but retained products of conception are suspected, should nonobstetric codes (76830, 76856) be billed or obstetric codes (76817, etc.). Thanks.
The reason for the ultrasound (ob versus gyn) is the determining factor. Since it was done to rule out the obstetric complication, you would use the ob ultrasound code even if the results show no retained products. This was clarified in a CPT Assistant article many years ago.
The reason for the ultrasound (ob versus gyn) is the determining factor. Since it was done to rule out the obstetric complication, you would use the ob ultrasound code even if the results show no retained products. This was clarified in a CPT Assistant article many years ago.
Thank you.