Wiki Practice Management Upgrades


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We received the upgrade to our practice Management software for 2011. WE are using Lytec. WE have been told that WE have to make major changes to our server to do this upgrade. How many pracitces out there have upgraded their management software for the current year? I know there are issues with the 5010 forms and that we will have to upgrade prior to next year but the physcian I work for is trying to see if he can hold off on starting the process now. If anyone has info that would prove that this needed to be done now or advantages/disadvantages for Moving to Lytec 2011.. Please let me know!:)

We received the upgrade to our practice Management software for 2011. WE are using Lytec. WE have been told that WE have to make major changes to our server to do this upgrade. How many pracitces out there have upgraded their management software for the current year? I know there are issues with the 5010 forms and that we will have to upgrade prior to next year but the physcian I work for is trying to see if he can hold off on starting the process now. If anyone has info that would prove that this needed to be done now or advantages/disadvantages for Moving to Lytec 2011.. Please let me know!:)

One of the reasons to start now is because you must be using ANSI 5010 beginning Jan. 2012. Our old server was a 32 bit. I have a 64 bit server on order now.

You or your vendor will have to test with your clearinghouse prior to Jan 2012.
you might want to inquire if you are going to have to upgrade again when ICD-10 comes out or if they include the formatting in the 5010 updates.
We are using Lytec as well. Expences are inevitable, and when I called Lytec to inquire, I have been told that the 5010 upgrade will hold an ICD-10 format, as well as ICD-9.
You may want to call Marcus - he's the guy that is well informed there.