Wiki Primary and Assistant Surgeon Question...


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Can a physician bill as a primary surgeon during one procedure and bill as an assistant surgeon during a different procedure in the same encounter? For example: Can Dr. Ed bill as an Assistant Surgeon for a hemicolectomy (44140) while billing as a Primary for a separate distinct wound closure (12002) during the same encounter?
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Primary Surgeon and Assistant Surgeon

Can a physician bill as a primary surgeon during one procedure and bill as an assistant surgeon during a different procedure in the same encounter? For example: Can Dr. Ed bill as an Assistant Surgeon for a hemicolectomy (44140) while billing as a Primary for a separate distinct wound closure (12002) during the same encounter?

If you are using a real life example: the CPT code 12002 in the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule lists this code as never allowing an assistant surgeon, so I don't think it's appropriate to bill for an assistant surgeon on this code. Also, it could appear to a payer that you are billing separately for closure.