Wiki Problems with Category K ICD-10 codes


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Anyone else aware of problems with CPT codes matching up with Category K ICD-10 diagnosis codes? We are in receipt of an IBC EOB denying rectal bleeding (K62.5) for an office visit, and the IBC rep stating she could not link up a K code to office visits/consults. This is a Colon & Rectal practice and the K codes are necessary and have been used extensively in the past (i.e. hemorrhoids, diverticulosis/diverticulitis, rectal/intestinal bleeding, bowel obstructions, etc.). I checked into our search engine - Super Coder - and NO K codes are being recognized for office visits and consults. They are looking into this. How can an entire category be missing? This has to be an error. We are in the process of contacting the AMA about this. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
I'm using SuperCoder also, and I don't have that problem. Checking E/M 99213 I had listed K codes from K13.4 to K59.89
I was working with SuperCoder via their Chat when this first arose on 1/24/19. I received an email from them on 1/25/19 stating: "In office visit and consultation specialties, patient can step in with any kind of disease, so due to the huge ICD-10-CM data we cross-mapped most common ICD-10-CM codes. However, we have added the K series codes related to colon and rectum, it will be live on SC coming Monday." (the spelling/grammar errors are theirs)

So, as of 1/28/19, SuperCoder had corrected their crosswalk issues with the K series.

Thank you for responding.