Wiki Professional and Technical - Our OB doctors do ultrasounds

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Our OB doctors do ultrasounds in the office on all new OB pts and they interprete the results. Can we bill for both the professional and TC? I know that we have tried before, but have been denied the claim stating that it is global. We are owned by the hospital and the procedure is being done in the office. Thanks.
Our OB doctors do ultrasounds in the office on all new OB pts and they interprete the results. Can we bill for both the professional and TC? I know that we have tried before, but have been denied the claim stating that it is global. We are owned by the hospital and the procedure is being done in the office. Thanks.

If you are facility owned then the facility should be coding for the technical and the physician bills only for the professional. Unless you are having the radiologist perform the official interpretation, then you can bill nothing for the ultrasound, as it will be part of the E&M.