Wiki Prosthetic coding

Clive, IA
Best answers
Can addition codes from the “Additions: Exoskeletal Knee-Shin System” and Additions: Endoskeletal Knee-Shin System” be added to the base codes from “Below Knee” (L5100-L5105) and “Above Knee” (L5200-L5230)?

If someone needs a replacement socket (L5700), is it medically necessary to bill for additions (L5940, L5910, and L5671) to the replacement socket if they already have received those items with the previous socket?

Is it allowed to bill codes under the “Hemipelvectomy” section (i.e. codes L5301 Below knee, molded socket, shin, SACH foot, endoskeletal system and L5321 above knee, molded socket, open end, SACH foot, endoskeletal system single axis knee) if a patient is truly only a below the knee amputee or above the knee amputee?