Wiki Provider based billing


Montrose, Iowa
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Does anyone have experience in provider based billing? Our facility is participating in the 340B so we had to switch over to provider based billing in our clinic-from what I understand. I came in after all of this took place. Our billers are telling us that we need to switch the place of service to a 22 for some of the services like xrays that are actually being done in the office, but then we have to change the place of service for the entire office visit when we do that and that just doesn't make sense to us. Does anyone have a lot of experience in provider based billing or know of any great resources because I don't even understand the basic concepts of it at this point because I haven't done clinic coding for 10 years now and this part of it has changed drastically. Help-anyone?!?
I am surprised that as 340B providers that this would require that you change your billing processes as 340B relates only to injections/immunizations. I have done provider and clinic based billing for 20 years, so please feel free to reach out to me. 209-558-5608.