Wiki Pseudohypertension

I don't know, this one is iffy. The only code that you could use is 796.2 BUT I'm not sure if it should be coded at all. From the information I've gathered, pseudohypertension is basically abnormally high blood pressure reading that ends up not actually being an abnormally high blood pressure reading. Now, pseudohypertension can be caused by other issues, like unusual thickening of the walls of the arteries. If the doctor indicates a cause, that is the code that needs to be used.

Hopefully someone else has some more definitive input as to whether or not to code it. I would say to code 796.2 but I want to say it's only an opinion... because when it comes down to it, pseudohypertension is essentially a false BP reading.

Below are some links that may help you determine how you want to code the DX. I hope I was able to help a little?

"Pseudohypertension is a condition in which indirect blood pressure measured by the cuff method overestimates the true intra-arterial blood pressure. Despite the clinical importance of pseudohypertension, reports regarding its prevalence are scarce."

"A situation in which the blood pressure measurements get abnormally elevated, whereas the blood pressure is still normal is called as Pseudohypertension."
Thank you very much for all the information, this is very hard to determine. I will do more research for pseudo htn. Hope someone can help me for this problem. Thank you! :)
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