Wiki Psychotherapy codes vs E/M level codes


New York, NY
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I have a question with psychotherapy and E/M coding. When reading the medical notes how would you know the difference between billing out an E/M level code vs psychotherapy code? Could you bill both e/m code and psychotherapy codes at the same time if the medical notes are applicable?Thank you.
First of all, it depends on what kind of dr wrote the note. Psychologists, nurses, etc can not bill EM codes.
If you are reading a psychiatrist's note and trying to determine, it is tough. It all comes down to the focus and intent of visit. Is the patient there for therapy, ie the note will show alot of what they discussed and dr offers therapeutic ideas how to help patient. EM's are more for medical end of the visits.
more times than not, if you are dealing with therapists, you should probably be billing therapy codes.