Wiki PT in Telehealth


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Does anyone know this? I believe the telehealth billing is clear - one just uses a modifier to indicate that the service was provided via telehealth. But , what CPT codes are reimbursed for a physical therapist treatment - and for medicaid, does the therapist need a prior authorization to treat. If not - how many visits before a prior authorization is needed?
Are you asking if Physical Therapy can be billed via telehealth? Or are you using PT to mean something else? I ask because I can't imagine Physical Therapy being done remotely via telehealth. I realize that not all PT services require direct one-on-one contact - but those that do certainly could not be performed via telehealth.

Physical Therapy services are not on the list of eligible telehealth services in CMS' IOM. Here is the link:
Either type telehealth in the search function, or go to page 180 for the list of services.

I hope this helps.