Wiki Pt Not Seen 99211?


True Blue
Overland Park, KS
Best answers
If a patient presents to the physician office and is triaged by nurse and leaves without been seen by the provider, how do you report this?

Would this be a 99211? I'm not sure if this patient is new or established.

If they are established, can we report 99211?
I tried the link above and nothing ever came up. But you cannot charge a 99211 for a nurse to triage a patient, as it does not meet the incident to parameters. A nurse cannot charge for her encounters. 99211 is a physician encounter which the physician is allowed to charge when qualified ancillary persons are the ones face to face with the patient carrying out physician orders from a previous visit. You must have the physician plan of care for this visit in the chart and the provider within the office to be able to charge the 99211. It does not sound like this is the case in your example.