Wiki Pulmonary Vein Angio during PVI Ablation


Lancaster , PA
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Hi...can we bill for a pulmonary vein angio when performed durning a PVI ablation? Not sure of what codes to use either?? I was thinking 75746-26 and 36013, this is what is referenced in the report "Guide inserted and advanced to the pulmonary veins, pulmonary vein angio performed", I checked the CCI edits and it looks acceptable, but I'm not sure if these are correct codes. thanks Sandy If anybody can help me, I would really appreciate it!! :)
what was the reason for the angio? Was it done just to see if he had the guide placed in the right position or was there medical necessity for the pulmonary angio?
Hi...yes, it looks like it . the pt has no history of a pulmonary embolism, DVT, or clotting disorders. she doesn't state why she did it, other than it was done
I'm sure Chlrtrep will agree with me, it isn't billable since there wasn't any medical necessity and it was only done as road-mapping or verification of catheter placement.