Wiki pump battery replacement 62350 or 95991 or 62368 or ???


San Jose, CA
Best answers
Is the procedure below a 62350 or 95991 or 62368 or ???

I'm being told it's a 62350 but I don't see it as a revision as they only replaced the battery. ANY help would be greatly appreciated.

The patient was brought to the operating room. After the induction of
general endotracheal anesthesia, the patient was given preoperative
antibiotic with one gram of vancomycin. The patient was then placed in
lateral decubitus position with the right side up. The abdominal and
lumbar spine regions were prepped and draped in routine fashion. A
longitudinal incision was carried through the old incision in the pocket
region and carried down through skin and subcutaneous tissue to the pocket.
The catheter was then dissected free with the pump and the pump was
removed. When the pump was disconnected from the catheter, it was found to
have good egress of fluid distally from the catheter. A new battery was
subsequently placed and it was confirmed with approximately 4 mL of
backflow through the dedicated port. Once this was done, the wound was
copiously irrigated with bacitracin-impregnated solution. The catheter was
secured to the pump with 2-0 silk suture x2. The pocket was then
reapproximated using first 2-0 Vicryl suture in interrupted fashion and
then 3-0 Vicryl suture in interrupted fashion for the subcu. The skin was
closed with running 4-0 Vicryl subcuticular stitch and Dermabond. No
complications were noted. The sponge, needle and instrument counts were
correct at the end of the case. The programming was done at the end of the
procedure via telemetry and settings to her old _______ 20 was used.
Thank you so much for responding. I re-read the note and I do think he is just replacing the battery only. Would you still go with 62362?