Wiki Q2037?


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Our practice ordered Fluvirin this year. We were told originally that we would bill 90658 to commercial insurances and Q2037 to Medicare. After some research, I found out yesterday from BCBS and other commercial insurances that 90658 was actually not updated by Medicare and that we should bill the Q2037 this year!

Has anyone else heard this? It seems really weird to bill the HCPCS to commercial plans, but I guess if that's what we're supposed to do, that's what we'll do!

Apparently they did this a few years ago too.
I think it was last year (maybe the year before) that there was a shortage of flu vaccine in the individual use syringes so our practice had to order the vaccine in the multi-use vials. At that time we did assign Q2037 for Medicare patients only.
What are the correct codes to use for 2014 for Medicare vs commercial for flu vaccine? I am not in primary care, but our specialty office has decided to order the vaccine and administer to pts as they request it.
We are ordering the single use not multi
thank you