Wiki Question on modifier 62...


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I am billing for a trauma surgeon who repaired rib fractures; the CPT code we are billing with is 0246T, which describes exactly what he did. He had a thoracic surgeon perform the incision to gain access to the ribs. The CPT code does not allow a co-surgeon (modifier 62). The department manager (who is a CPC) is directing me to use a modifier 62 and is directing the thoracic surgeon that he may not bill for any portion of the procedure (0246T), he may only bill for the procedures he performed during the operative session. Any suggestions?
I may be totally off base but my understanding of the modifier 62 is when 2 surgeons work together during a surgical procedure. My physician does percutaneous AAA and we have a surgeon in the room at the same time and I coordinate with the surgeons office to make sure our charges match and $$ match. I think that 2 surgeons must perform the surgery together in order to bill with the 62.
no not necessarily, you use a 62 when each surgeon performs their particular part of the surgery. Each surgeon must document a separate procedure note and detailing when the surgery was handed off to or picked up from the other surgeon. It is frequently used for anterior approach for spine surgeries. If there was a medically indicated reason as to why your physician required a thoracic surgeon performe the approach, then I would have both surgeons bill the same code with the 62 modifier. Just besure you each have a copy of the others note to send for review.