Wiki Questions regarding Device checks ICD with ICM

Warren, MI
Best answers
I am confused, I just started a new position and the Doctors report is stating that the ICD was checked and Programmed and the ICM was also checked. He is coding with 93282 and 93290. I am new at coding the ICM part of this. Can I bill both? I am trying to get info and I see that it is a diffrent device can they both be billed the same day?
In response to your question:
There are no NCCI edits for reporting both 93282 and 93290 together. 93282 shows the programming and/or adjustment of the device with review and report by the physician "or other qualified healthcare provider", single lead defibrillator system. The 93282 is for the interrogation of the device with analysis and review/report by a physician "or other healthcare provider". This is inclusive of connection, recording and disconnection by the provider for the interrogation. This is for implantable cardiovascular monitoring system and analysis of 1 or more recorded cardiovascular data elements from all internal and external sources.

If the provider is documenting that he performed both the interrogation and the programming/adjustment of the device, then yes, you can code both.

Hope this helps