Wiki QW modifier on 80305


Stuart, FL Sailfish Chapter
Best answers
I have been getting denials on the 80305 urine drug screen because I have been billing it with the QW modifier as I did with the G codes. Does CPT not require the presence of a CLIA waiver? Or are the insurance companies still catching up?
I have also been getting denials from Medicare stating procedure code is inconsistent with the modifier used. Has anyone seen this problem and took off the modifier with payment? I have rebilled this to Medicare because of a CLIA issue and really don't want to resend all until I can get an answer. :)

Medicare's policy on the new CLIA waved code (80305) was not effective until 4.1.17, to be implemented on 4.3.17. You should have received denials on the code billed without the modifier -QW indicating the type of provider is ineligible. I have just started rebilling all my 80305-QW's, but haven't received a response back yet. I'm hoping they will be processed and paid from here on out. If they do not get paid, I will be sending in a reconsideration request with copies of the article MLN Matters Number: MM9956, which states: "MACs will not search their files to either retract or retroactively pay claims based on these changes. However, MACs should adjust claims that you bring to their attention."

-CPB, 10 yrs experience.