I am a CPC-A who was certified last July. After all this time I finally have a job interview next week for a certified coder position. I have to get this job!! Now I'm nervous because I haven't been coding regularly since then. They know I require on the job training, etc so that's okay, but I am required to take an exam after the interview. It is only 8 questions and includes hospital in-patient, surgery and outpatient clinic visits. I have all my books in front of me to study and refresh. Does anybody have any advice where I should start? I will say we didn't use the HCPCS Level II much in school and also never used Vol. 3 of the ICD-9 for hospital procedures, since the CPC is more for the physician practice. Any advice would be helpful. I want to use the right books and do well. Any interview advice wouldn't hurt my feelings either. Thank you and wish me luck!!