Wiki Release of 6th dorsal compartment of right wrist

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I have a surgery for the release of the 6th compartment extensor tendon, which is on the side of the small digit. Cannot use cpt code 25000 because that is for the 1st compartment on the other side of the wrist. Below is the part of the surgery. What about 25295?
Below is the definition of 25000:
The physician incises the extensor tendon sheath over the wrist. The physician incises the skin just proximal to the anatomic snuffbox. The tissues are dissected and the extensor retinaculum of the first extensor compartment is identified and incised. The incision is sutured in layers.
What else was done during the case and what are the diagnoses. It is difficult to tell with snippets. Does the patient have RA? This looks like part of a bigger case.
This was the only thing that was performed. I went with 25295 and the dx was -M65.131 other infective synovitis. This was the closest code that I could find for this surgery and the codes needed to be submitted immediately. Patient did not have RA.
Thanks for chiming in.