Wiki Removal G-Tube as Outpatient Surgery


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INDICATION: Indication for removal and for the sedation or TIVA is that attempts were made to remove this tube in the office, but they were unsuccessful even with the use of local anesthetic, anesthesia and with enlargement of the opening where the tube is coming out. Because of the inability to remove the tube in the office, then the procedure was decided upon with sedation in the operating room.

DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: small incision that had been created in the clinic was enlarged slightly and the tube was pulled out by traction. The ingrown skin in the tract of the tube was then d?brided, and the opening was packed with Nu-Gauze and a dressing was applied

Would this be 43500 with modifier 52?
Next problem is this was done as outpatient and 43500 is considered a inpatient procedure by Medicare.