Wiki repair of diastasis recti


Iron Station, NC
Best answers
How would I code this? I have done it several times but can never remember what it is. I know it is something easy. I am thinking it is just a vental hernia repair.
Are they doing this inconjunction to another procedure? Usually when a physician does a panniculectomy, they repair is the diastasis recti.

Is your physician just repairing the diastasis recti?

Was there trauma to the muscle?
The physician repaired a diastasis recti and then with a separate incision performed an umbilical hernia repair. In the past I have only coded this as the hernia repair and had the diastasis repair included. Since this op note says there was actually a separate incision, I feel there should be a separate code billed. Which code is the question. I have considered several different routes with this. I have asked a couple of other coders. Everyone seems to have a different opinion. I would love to get some other points of view.