Wiki Repair of Rectal Prolapse Question


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I have a doctor that is disputing charging for prolapse repair because he feels it should be bundled with other procedures even though CCI edits do not bundle. He thinks it is a minimal procedure that doesnt warrant separate reimbursement. Here is a example:

"After completion of the colonoscopy, mucosal prolapse repair was performed by mucopexy and protopexy, lifting up the mucosal prolapse proximally and transfixing to the proximal layers by running with 3-0 Vicryl circumferential and also some interrupted 3-1 Vicryl.

After that, the distal internal hemorrhoid plexus was suture ligated in 3 different locations-right anterior, right posterior and left lateral. Dressings were applied."

We work in a ASC and billed 45541,46946 and 45378. Do you think this warrants billing 45541?

Thank you.