Wiki repair of right ventricular perforation;

Orchard Park, NY
Best answers
OPERATION: Off pump coronary bypass grafting x 4 using LIMA to the LAD, sequential reverse saphenous vein graft to OMB-1 and left posterior lateral branch; reverse saphenous vein graft to high first diagonal; repair of right ventricular perforation; endoscopic vein harvesting; transesophageal echocardiography.

Note that after opening the chest and the pericardium I removed the mini Finichietto retractor and placed the off pump stabilizing Acrobat retractor. At this point I noticed bleeding from the mid portion of the right ventricle. I felt that this occurred because of a small puncture wound from the sharp edge of the distal sternum. This puncture wound was repaired with a single 4-0 Prolene horizontal mattress suture and hemostasis was secured

Anyone have an idea for this code?
I don't really see anything that would match this. There are some codes for ventricle repair (33600-33622) but those do not appear to be what you're looking for. You might consider an unlisted code. Did he document extra time and effort for this repair? You could consider 22.
Are you sure the surgeon wants to charge for this repair? I ask because it sounds like it happened while opening the sternum so the surgeon may not want to charge for repairing it.

If you are going to code this, I would look at 33300-33305.

Lisi, CPC