Wiki Repair of ruptured LV outflow tract


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Hi! I am not sure on this!

Pt had a TAVR earlier in the day! He was taken back urgently for a repair of a rupture at the aortic and mitral annular areas.

Pt was put on Peripheral bypass with Rt thoracotomy approach to the left atrium, circulatory arrest and pericardial patch repair of left atrial fistula.

Pt had sever adhesions of his lung which were taken down. Because we were unable to flow well, a quick Y bridge was placed on the venous cannula an 2nd was placed on into the Rt atrium with improved flow.

He was cooled down. I opened his left atruim in Sondergaard's groove and there was massive blood coming out, so I put my finger in and we had to cool him down to do the circu arrest. Inspection revealed a tear from the anteriour annulus. Initial attempts to direct repair of the tear was unsuccessful. So it took a piece of soaked bovine pericardium and sewed a large patch graft over his tear and onto the mitral leaflet with running sutures.

Any Ideas?? Looked at code 33335,33414 Just not sure!

Thanks in advance!