Wiki Revision of bilateral mastectomy incision due to symptomatic chest wall skin


Ishpeming, MI
Best answers
Can anyone help me with CPT codes for this procedure?

Woman underwent bilateral mastectomy and is having problems with excess skin rubbing under her arms. Right side was more bothersome than the left.
PROCEDURE: Bilateral chest region was prepped and draped sterily. The medial aspect of the incision was not bothersome however the lateral aspect was on both sides. An elliptical incision was marked preoperatively and this area was infiltrated with local anesthetic. Skin was divided with knife and subcutaneous tissue divided down to the chest wall. The seroma cavities were entered and were fairly small. After excision of the tissue it was sent to pathology. On the right a probable axillary node was removed as part of the specimen and labeled with a stitch. There was good hemostasis so each incision was closed with deep dermal 0-Vicryl stitches and a running 4-0 Monocryl subcuticular stitch. Because of the larger excision volume on the right, I did place a Jackson-Pratt drain which was sutured in position with 2-0 silk.

I'm not sure if this should be 15839-50? Any input would be appreciated. Thanks..