Wiki RH Coding - Telehealth Services with Cost Sharing Waived


Redfield, SD
Best answers
Per SE00016 MLN article - For preventive services provided via telehealth that have cost sharing waived, RHCs must report G2025 on claims with the CG and CS modifiers, and FQHCs must report G2025 with the CS modifier on or after July 1, 2020 – December 31, 2024.
We have been submitting claims for AWV done via telemed the way the article states they should be submitted. Our carrier (Noridian) stops all of these in FISS with the error

W7123The reported claim is submitted with a HCPCS and appended with a modifier designated as not reportable after the CMS determined termination date for the modifier. Note: A line item action flag of 1 overrides this edit when input by the MAC.

We called them and told them that this has not terminated. If we remove the CS, the patient will be charged a cost-share. Just wondering if anyone is having the same issue?