Wiki RTA, Photos & Visual Field


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Does anyone know if you can bill an RTA (92134) with an External (92285) or Fundus (92250) Photo? Also, can you bill either of these with a Visual Field (92083)?

Thank you!
I have a book from American Academy of Ophthalmology called the 2011 Ophthalmic Coding Coach. You can bill 92134 with both 92285 and 92083. You can not bill 92134 with 92250 do to cci edits. It also depends on ICD-9 codes for which these test were done. I hope this helps :)
Actually, you can unbundle the fundus photos with a 59 modifier when on the same DOS as the OCT (92134) under a limited number of diagnoses. I am in Florida and our carrier has issued new LCDs which list which diagnoses may be unbundled. I would suggest you check your carrier's website to see if they have published policy/updated the LCD.