Wiki Salary of Medical coder/biller

The national median salary for medical records technicians and health information technicians as of 2016 was $38,040, according to the BLS. However, salary data suggests that medical billers and coders who have earned additional credentials could have greater earning power.

The American Academy of Professional Coders 2016 Salary Survey showed that coders who had earned the Certified Professional Coder (CPC) credential earned an average wage of approximately $52,690, according to the AAPC website. That average was a 2.4% increase from the previous year.

The salary survey also showed that coders with two or more AAPC credentials earned an average annual salary of $60,305 in 2016, while those with three or more credentials earned $66,999 per year on average.
I would take these numbers with a grain of salt and try to network with people in your area that maybe doing medical coding. For instance those numbers are no where close to the average wage of a coder in my area.