Wiki Salpingectomy and oophorectomy


True Blue
Waukee, IA
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Good Morning,

I work for a Urology office and our doctor did a laparoscopic right salpingectomy and oophorectomy while he was doing a nephroureterectomy. He said that the right ovary and fallopian tube were overlying the ureter and there was some significant adhesions. He tried to free the adhesions up but they continued to bleed so he put Weck clips along the fallopian tube as well as the gonadal vessels feeding into the ovary, and excised these and removed the part of the fallopian tube as well as the ovary. Would I use CPT code 558661 for this procedure?

Yes, 58661 is the correct code for laparoscopic removal of right tube and ovary.
I believe if organs are removed "en bloc" during a procedure they are not separately billable. I think I saw it in the NCCI Edits but I could be wrong...
Your original post states the surgeon "removed the part of the fallopian tube as well as the ovary." The fallopian tube and ovary ARE adnexal structures. I did a very brief search about whether en bloc organ removal is separately billable. I did not find anything stating you could not bill for it. As long as your primary procedures and 58661 are not CCI edits, I would use 58661.