Wiki Sandostatin hormonal or ther injec?

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did anyone attend the Webinar from yesterday on oncology infusion? In the presentation, it mentioned to code J2353 (Sandostatin) as a hormonal injection. We've always coded as a thereaputic injection....which is correct?
It is a Chemotherapy drug. Sandostatin is a hormone drug that is used to treat some types of cancer. Sandostatin is classified as an somatostatin analog.
SO EITHER WAY IT IS CORRECT. The code selection may vary depending upon the documentation the physician makes. I feel that the payers do realize this.
Sandostatin is a synthetic that mimics the hormone, somatostatin. I agree, it is coded as a therapeutic injection.

I've given it as a therapeutic infusion for bleeding esophageal varices as an off label treatment.
It is a Chemotherapy drug. Sandostatin is a hormone drug that is used to treat some types of cancer. Sandostatin is classified as an somatostatin analog.
SO EITHER WAY IT IS CORRECT. The code selection may vary depending upon the documentation the physician makes. I feel that the payers do realize this.

Thank goodness, because we have been billing with 96372 as therapeutic inj and this is according to the physician's note. But it's good to know tho' about the other 96402 code.