Wiki Scoring the elements - Complexity of Data


Phelps, WI
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If we do the technical component of a x-ray/US/CT and read by an outsourced radiology group. Can we count that as a Moderate Independent review if we review with patient and give an interpretation and document in patient chart?
Is this for an established patient? If so then it is my understanding it is not counted only if you are billing the professional portion of the test.
I would count this as independent interpretation, regardless of new or established, assuming outpatient after 1/1/2021.
From the AMA outpatient guidelines:
Analyzed: The process of using the data as part of the MDM. The data element itself may not be subject to analysis (eg, glucose), but it is instead included in the thought processes for diagnosis, evaluation, or treatment. Tests ordered are presumed to be analyzed when the results are reported. Therefore, when they are ordered during an encounter, they are counted in that encounter. Tests that are ordered outside of an encounter may be counted in the encounter in which they are analyzed. In the case of a recurring order, each new result may be counted in the encounter in which it is analyzed. For example, an encounter that includes an order for monthly prothrombin times would count for one prothrombin time ordered and reviewed. Additional future results, if analyzed in a subsequent encounter, may be counted as a single test in that subsequent encounter. Any service for which the professional component is separately reported by the physician or other qualified health care professional reporting the E/M services is not counted as a data element ordered, reviewed, analyzed, or independently interpreted for the purposes of determining the level of MDM.
Independent interpretation: The interpretation of a test for which there is a CPT code and an interpretation or report is customary. This does not apply when the physician or other qualified health care professional is reporting the service or has previously reported the service for the patient. A form of interpretation should be documented but need not conform to the usual standards of a complete report for the test.

Since you are not reporting the professional component, you may count independent interpretation.