Wiki Screening Colonoscopies


Beaver Falls, PA
Best answers
There has been discussion in my office about when to code a colonoscopy as screening. If the patient had findings on exam years ago and now presents with no signs or symptoms for another colonoscopy, shouldn't we code it as a screening if nothing is found on this exam? I have one person who says once there are findings it can never be a screening again? I thought screening meant there are no signs or symptoms prior to the scope.
You are correct. If the patient is currently having no symptoms and is not being treated for any previous findings, it would be a screening.

Consider a polyp. The surgeon finds a polyp on a previous screening (converting it to a diagnostic colon) but it turns out to be benign. However, that patient would now be a high risk screening due to that previous finding.
I agree,

symptoms and findings from the past do not apply to current treatment. If patient is presenting just for surveillance based on findings of a polyp two years ago-- the dx is v12.72 -- which is a screening diagnosis.:)
If they have a history of polyps and a polyp is found with the current colonoscopy what diagnosis codes do you use, what order and how are you linking them.
Non-Medicare = 1)V76.51, 2)211.3, 3)V12.72 link 1-3. Payers in my area do not recognize V12.72 as screening.
Medicare = 1)V12.72, 2)211.3 only linke 211.3
if the op note said surveillance or followup of a previous colonscopy i use the v6709 with hx of if nothing new is found or if something new is found such as a tubular adenoma i would use v6709with 211.3....
So, if the patient is a Medicare patient coming in for a screening due to previous polyp findings, V76.51 wouldn't be the primary, but V12.72 would be with G0105 as the procedure? Is this correct understanding? Thanks!
