Wiki Selecting weeks of gestation Z3A....

Kutztown, PA
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Clarification needed--example: If a patient presents for a high risk ultrasound and per LMP and first trimester scan is 34 weeks, but during the ultrasound is found to be measuring large and is 37 weeks (per that day's ultrasound measurements). Provider documents both sets of weeks gestation in the ultrasound report--which is the appropriate one to use in coding the Z3A.___ (week number) selection?
I would want to say that you would go with the original scan. Has the md been concerned with the size of the baby the entire time? or is this new? Does the pt have gestational dm? Are they concerned about a big baby due to this? If they were questioning the dates, I would think that they would have rechecked earlier in the pregnancy. Again, I would go with the original scan unless told otherwise by the md.