Wiki Self Pay Patients


Lexington, KY
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This post isn't really related to coding, per se, but I work for a pain clinic in Lexington, KY and we have a seen a significant increase in the number of patients who are becoming self-pay. The problem is that, as a general rule, we don't see self-pay patients. In fact, there are no pain providers in Lexington that will. We are trying to come up with a way to bring those patients back under some sort of "Private Pay Treatment Package", but I am having problems getting any feedback from other providers as to their thoughts. Anyone on here have any suggestions?
What we have done for our hospital is created a policy for our self pay patients. basically we must charge our patients the same regardless of whether the insurance pays or not. We offer a prompt pay discount, the discount only applies when the patient(s) make the payment in full at the time of service or within 24 hours. This applies to any procedure that is payable by Medicare, Medicaid, BCBSM or any other payer that by law or through contract cannot be discriminated against with regards to charges.

you can email me at if you have any other questions, I hope this has helped.
We charge the patients the same across the board "self pay patients sign an agreement that they will pay the balance with in 90 days they will get a 39% discount and have to bring half on dos.

charge 2000.00
discount 780.00
patient owes 1220.00
Day of service pays 610.00
has 90 days to pay balance of remaining 610.00

Finacial agreement signed makes patient liable for balance and will be sent to collections after zero payment from 90 days.

Hope this helps