Wiki Sigmoid colonoscopy after Total Colectomy


Manfield, TX
Best answers
Hello, I have a provider wanting to bill 45330 for a colonscopy after a total colectomy. Is that the correct code?

From the report:
Diagnosis: Hx of colon cancer s/p total abdominal colectomy

Flex sig: No polyps. No diverticula. Anastomosis at around 7 cm. Small bowel normal to 25 cm.

Patient was then turned and after DRE a scope was passed into the rectum and a flex sig was performed. Findings as above. The scope was then withdrawn."

Any suggestions for CPT? Would I use the 45330 with a -52 modifier?

If a total Colectomy was performed, then there is not a "sigmoid" part of the colon. There may be part of the rectum which then a proctoscopy would be more appropriate. I would go back and verify the total colectomy procedure and the anatomy for the appropriate coding for this. From the information given a sigmoidoscopy would not be appropriate due to the sigmoid is part of the colon.
If a total Colectomy was performed, then there is not a "sigmoid" part of the colon. There may be part of the rectum which then a proctoscopy would be more appropriate. I would go back and verify the total colectomy procedure and the anatomy for the appropriate coding for this. From the information given a sigmoidoscopy would not be appropriate due to the sigmoid is part of the colon.
thank for your help. I was leaning towards that but just needed some confirmation. Thanks again, V